These endpoints facilitate database management functions within Engage+.
Click on a link below to view the Technical Guide for each endpoint:
- Activity: This endpoint allows you to retrieve activity details (such as "bounces," "clicks," opt outs," etc." for a specific recipient. This endpoint provides several different search options for finding the desired recipient.
- Campaign Procedures: This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all the custom stored procedures defined in your account.
- Data Map: This endpoint allows you to manage your Data Maps, by defining new ones, or by updating or deleting existing ones.
- Folder: This endpoint allows you to create a Folder.
- FTP Profiles: This endpoint allows you to manage your FTP Profiles, by defining new ones, or updating or deleting existing ones.
- FTP Import Templates: This endpoint allows you to manage your FTP Import Templates, by defining new ones, or updating or deleting existing ones.
- Hosted Item: This endpoint is used to request a list of Hosted Item folder and sub-folders. This endpoint can also be used to request a list of the contents of a specified folder or sub-folder.
- Media Upload: This endpoint allows you to manage your Hosted Items (such as image files or HTML files, for example), by uploading new ones, or replacing existing ones.
- Merge Symbol: This endpoint is used request information about the Merge Symbols used in your Campaigns.
- Search Records: This endpoint allows you to request information for a specified record within a table, and indicate what fields you want returned in the response. You can also use this endpoint to bring back a set of records that match a set of search criteria.
- Table: This endpoint allows you to request information about the tables in your database.